
Enkeltafel lasersnymasjien

Produk besonderhede

Enkeltafel lasersnymasjien

The LH single table fiber laser cutting machine is a high-precision, high-efficiency metal processing solution designed for cutting various materials such as high-speed steel, alloy steel, and aluminum sheets. With a cutting area of 3000mm x 1500mm, it boasts a positioning accuracy of 0.03mm and a repeat positioning accuracy of 0.02mm, ensuring precision throughout the cutting process.

Key Features:

Durable Structure & Warranty:
The machine weighs 3500kg and features a robust build for long-term reliability. It comes with a 3-year warranty for both the machine and core components, ensuring dependable performance.

Customizable Laser Power:
Offers a range of laser power from 1500W to 6000W, allowing users to choose the right power level for either high-speed cutting or detailed, fine cutting applications.

Automated Operations:
Equipped with an automatic loading system and a fully automated lubrication system to streamline operations, minimize downtime, and enhance productivity.

Wide File Format Compatibility:
Supports multiple graphic formats, including CAD, DXF, AI, PLT, BMP, DST, DWG, and LAS, making it easy to import and handle diverse design files.

Alle soorte groef, eenmalige gietwerk

Met die groefsnymodule kan die sny van die groef in die oopmaakfase voltooi word, wat die werkprosedure kan bespaar en die koste kan verminder

Enkeltafel lasersnymasjien

Tegniese spesifikasies

Enkeltafel lasersnymasjien

Z轴行程135 mm
定位精度±0,05 mm/m
重复定位精度±0,03 mm
台面承重18 000 kg


Laserskandering sny, volle ondermyning

Gewone sny

Die energie-absorpsietempo is laag in die snyarea

Skandeer sny

In die snyarea is die energie-absorpsietempo hoog

Skematiese diagram van laserskandering sny beginsel

Verdubbel die spoed

Die maksimum snyspoed van dieselfde dikte plaat word verhoog


Geen vrees vir hoë reaksie nie

Die bondelverwerking van hoë anti-reflektiewe materiaal kan gerealiseer word sonder enige invloed van agtergrond

Sny koste in die helfte

Die gekombineerde koste van gas en elektrisiteit is die hoogste


Vaarwel aan adhesie

Deur die bewegingsamplitude van die dinamiese fakula aan te pas, verminder die werkstuk-adhesie aansienlik

Ons kliënt sê

Hierdie is 'n kort beskrywing wat uitbrei oor die rede wat jy hierbo genoem het. Vertel hulle hoekom jy goed is!

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